Real, Raw and Uncensored.

Stunning star images that bring the night sky vividly alive.

Our ancestors filled the night sky with the most amazing pictures. Star and constellation names tell of Dolphins and Whales; Lions and Unicorns; Chariots and an almost limitless list of body parts! In fact, just about anything you can possibly imagine has been noted in the ancient Arabic star names.

Over time these star pictures went missing and we were left bereft of their brilliance, but now Star Strike brings them alive again.

It was from this 'image bank' in the night sky that storytellers wove their fantastic tales; monsters and gods, heroes and villains. Just about everyone on the planet knew the 'art of the stars' and wove it into the fabric of everyday life. Gestures; expressions (e.g. 'a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse'; 'a chip on his shoulder'); nursery rhymes (e.g. Hey Diddle Diddle, the cat and the fiddle) and even diet (what, for Heaven's sake, might prompt the French to eat es-car-got?) all draw their inspiration from star pictures, making this, for sure, the greatest game humanity has ever played.

The Star Strike app not only shows you how to see these pictures, it also helps you to understand many of Life's riddles: anything from how 'to make a mountain out of a molehill', to why Shiva and the Pharaohs of Egypt have cobras on their heads.

The Star of Bethlehem and virgin birth mysteries are solved by simple observation but how, on Earth, can you follow that Star? Follow Star Strike and find out!


Our Warrior5 dream is to turn 'nonsense' on its head:

We have 5 common senses

and then there is non-sense

wherein lies the fight


~ Just you and the stars ~

No need for costly equipment - your mind is the most powerful tool.
  © Copyright Warrior5. All rights reserved. Registered in Ireland: 670942.